”I have” in Ukrainian

There are two ways to say ‘I have’ In Ukrainian.

І. У мене є …

The first way is formed by the formula:

У + owner (Genitive case) + verb “Є” (“to be”)+ object (Nominative case)

Learn the forms of personal pronouns to say “somebody has something”:

”I have” / "У мене є" in Ukrainian

See more about verb “to be”: Lesson 10. The verb “to be” in Ukrainian

  • Що у те́бе є? – У ме́не є ру́чка та зо́шит. – What do you have? – I have a house and a car.
  • У ньо́го є підру́чник? –Так, у ньо́го є підру́чник. – Does he have a textbook? – Yes, he has a textbook.
  • Вчо́ра у ньо́го була́ чо́рна ру́чка, а у не́ї були́ кольоро́ві олівці́. – Yesterday he had a black pen and she had colored pencils.
  • За́втра у не́ї бу́де нова́ інформа́ції. Та́кож у неї бу́дуть нови́ни. – Tomorrow she will have new information. Also, she will have news.

ІІ. Я маю …

The second way is to use the verb “ма́ти” (“to have“):

Owner (Nominative case) + Verb “мати” + object (Accusative case)

Let’s look at the conjugation of the verb “ма́ти”.

  • Що ти ма́єш? – Я ма́ю дім та маши́ну. – What do you have? – I have a house and a car.
  • Він ма́є підру́чник? – Так, він ма́є підру́чник. – Does he have a textbook? – Yes, he has a textbook.
  • Вчо́ра він мав чо́рну ру́чку, а вона́ ма́ла кольоро́ві олівці́. – Yesterday he had a black pen and she had colored pencils.
  • За́втра вона́ бу́де ма́ти нову́ інформа́цію. Та́кож вона́ бу́де ма́ти нови́ни. – Tomorrow she will have new information. Also, she will have news.

Note: When we say construction “there’s not/ there’re not”, object or person that is absent we use in Genitive case:
   У ньо́го нема́є маши́ни(Gen.).   – He don’t have a car.
   Вона́ не ма́є ві́льного(Gen.) ча́су(Gen.). – She doesn't have any free time. 
   За́втра у нас не буде уро́ка(Gen.). / За́втра у нас нема́є уро́ка(Gen.).  – We don't have a lesson tomorrow.  


1. Put the pronouns in brackets in the correct form.

  1. У (я) _______ є зо́шит.
  2. У (він) _______ є брат.
  3. У (вони) _______ є хо́бі.
  4. У (вона) _______ є робо́та.
  5. У (ми) _______ є мрі́ї.
  6. У (ви) _______ є завда́ння.
  7. У (ти) _______ є друг.
  1. I have a notebook.
  2. He has a brother.
  3. They have hobbies.
  4. She has a job.
  5. We have dreams.
  6. You have a task.
  7. You have a friend.

 2. Put the verb “матиin the correct form.

  1. Вона _______ велосипе́д.
  2. Я _______ наву́шники.
  3. Вони _______ ідею.
  4. Ми _______ га́рні нови́ни.
  5. Ви _______ ка́рту.
  6. Ти _______ хо́бі?
  1. She has a bicycle.
  2. I have headphones.
  3. They have an idea.
  4. We have good news.
  5. You have a card.
  6. Do you have a hobby?

 3. Translate the sentences.

  1. I have a laptop.
  2. You have knowledge.
  3. She had a bag.
  4. We had a task.
  5. He will have a car.
  6. They will have lessons.

This course course will help you to start learning Ukrainian in easy and convenient way. You will learn how to read in Ukrainian and understand spoken language, learn basic grammar, vocabulary and useful phrases.

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