To achieve greater harmony in Ukrainian we need to avoid the accumulations of consonants. To do this, we use alternating of y – в, і – й and з-із-зі
Alternation of у-в
In the Ukrainian language, both the prepositions у, в, and the prefixes у-, в- alternate in words.
У is used in order to avoid the coincidence of consonants that are difficult to pronounce:
- between consonants:
Наш учи́тель був у теа́трі. – Our teacher was in the theater.
- regardless of the ending of the previous word, before the consonants в, ф and combinations of the letters лв, св, тв, хв, зв.:
Він був у Льво́ві. – They were in Lviv.
Вона́ поста́вила кві́ти у во́ду. – She put the flowers in the water.
- at the beginning of a sentence before a consonant:
У кімна́ті було́ сві́тло. – There was light in the room.
В is used to avoid the coincidence of vowels:
- between vowels:
А́нна ходи́ла в університе́т. – Anna went to university.
- after a vowel before most consonants (except в, ф, лв, св, тв, хв, зв.):
Вона́ була́ в теа́трі. – She was in the theater.
! Марі́я ї́хала у ваго́ні метро́. – Maria was riding in a metro car.
- at the beginning of a sentence before a vowel:
В Украї́ні за́раз те́пло. – It is warm in Ukraine now.
Note: The alternation у-в happens in some words to achieve euphony in Ukrainian (without changing their meaning):
учи́тель – вчи́тель (teacher), уже́ – вже (already), учо́ра – вчо́ра (yesterday)
У-в do not alternate:
- in words used only with в or only with у, for example:
- впра́ва (exercise), вступ (introduction), вла́сність (property), вплив (influence), взає́мини (relations), вда́ча (temper), вклад (contribution), вла́да (authority, power, governance);
- ува́га (attention), умо́ва (condition), уя́ва (imagination), ува́жність (attentiveness), узбере́жжя (coast), удача (luck), устано́ва (institution), ука́з (decree).
- in proper names and in words of foreign origin, for example:
- Уго́рщина (Hungary), Владисла́в (Vladislav), уто́пія (utopia)
Alternation of i-й
The conjunction і and the unstressed і at the beginning of a word in a number of cases alternate with й in the same positions as у – в.
І is used to avoid consonant coincidence, which is difficult to pronounce:
- between consonants:
Джон і Марк працю́ють у шко́лі. – John and Mark work at a school.
- at the beginning of a sentence and after a pause, which in writing is indicated by a comma, semicolon, colon, dots, parentheses:
І що ти плану́єш роби́ти? – And what are you planning to do?
- when comparing concepts (opposites):
Дні і ночі – days and nights
Батьки́ і ді́ти – parents and children
- before a word beginning with й, є, і, ю, я:
Яри́на і Ю́рій ра́зом були́ в Іспа́нії і Іта́лії. – Yaryna and Yuriy were together in Spain and Italy.
Й is used to avoid the coincidence of vowels:
- between vowels (except when the next word begins with є, і, ю, я):
Поліна й Анна гуляють. – Polina and Anna are walking.
! Поліна і Яна – Polina and Yana
- after a vowel before a consonant (except when the next word begins with й):
Марі́я й Павло́ вчо́ра ходи́ли в кі́но. – Maria and Pavlo went to the cinema yesterday.
! Марі́я і Йоган – Maria and Johan
Note: the conjunction та is used when there is already one і or й in the sentence, for variety.
Оле́г і Степа́н працюва́ли та слу́хали му́зику. – Oleg and Stepan were working and listening to music.
Note: The alternation і-й happens in some words to achieve euphony in Ukrainian (without changing their meaning):
імовірно – ймовірно (probably), іти – йти (go)
Alternation of з-із-зі
З is used to avoid the coincidence of vowels:
- between vowels:
Вона́ приї́хала з Оде́си. – She came from Odesa.
- after a consonant before a vowel
Він з Япо́нії. – He is from Japan.
- after a vowel before a consonant (except when the next word begins with с and ш)
А́нна прийшла́ з дру́гом. – Anna came with a friend.
Із is used to avoid consonant coincidence:
- between consonants:
Том родом із Канади. – Tom is from Canada
- between groups of consonants before or after them
Марі́я була́ ра́зом із дру́гом. – Maria was together with a friend.
Він приїхав із Франції. – He came from France.
Лист із Польщі. – A letter from Poland.
- in front of с, ш
Батько із сином – Father with son
Су́кня із шо́вку. – A dress made of silk.
Зі is also used to avoid consonant coincidence::
- in front of consonants з, с, ш, щ regardless of the ending of the previous word or pause (to avoid multiple identical sounds in a row).
Це моя по́друга зі шко́ли. – This is my friend from school.
- with expressions:
зі мною – with me
зі Львова – from Lviv

This course course will help you to start learning Ukrainian in easy and convenient way. You will learn how to read in Ukrainian and understand spoken language, learn basic grammar, vocabulary and useful phrases.
All materials (vocabulary lists, grammar explanation, texts, dialogues, audios, tests and practice exercises with answers) are on our website, so you can access them whenever you want.